Tuesday, March 14, 2017

Social Experiment: "I'm HIV+"

Even though we are 35+ years into the HIV/AIDS epidemic, the social stigma attached to the virus continues to leave many paralyzed with fear.

With that in mind, George Hankers, a HIV-positive blogger, stood blindfolded in the middle of Trafalgar Square with a sign asking strangers to leave him a message of positivity on a giant poster board.

The incredible amount of love and support from people who wanted him to know that he is not alone was overwhelming for Hankers.

From Mashable:

Hankers' blindfold is symbolic of his feelings after he was first diagnosed with HIV. He battled with very low self-esteem and felt he'd "been blinded from hope." But this social experiment has restored his sense of hope.

"The sense of unity I had after the experiment was very heartwarming — people would touch my hand or reach out and give me a hug," says Hankers. "It made me want to take off the blindfold and not be sheltered from their generosity. It really goes to show that there is more comfort out there for people living with HIV than we initially think."

You may recall a similar video experiment a couple years wherein a Finnish man stood next to a sign which read, “I’m HIV-Positive. Touch me.”

Follow Hankers' blog at StillHumanBlog.com.

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